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Broken Things Restored

I've heard the story from countless hundreds, if not thousands over the years. A story of distancing, hiding. A story of running, ducking and lurking in the shadows.

Much like a sick patient, suffering in silence at the affliction, while avoiding the doctor that could possibly remedy the illness and restore one to proper health, is the one that attempts to hide from God. The only difference is that often times avoiding the doctor can be a fateful event, as lingering in undisclosed sickness, often times leads to an untimely death, while God our Father is our Jehovah Rapha (God our healer).

The doctor walked into the examination room, starring me down simply asking why I had come to see him today. You see, I avoid the doctor like a plague. I am not one to go running to the doctor for every little cold, or sickness. I have been blessed with an incredible immune system that leaves me rarely ill and as such, I have little need for a doctor.

With the piercing question, the doctor immediately set a tone of why hadn't I ventured into his office before now. He could tell something was bothering me.

I said, " You see, I've been putting off seeing you hoping that this would go away, but it hasn't. I've read all the books, the self-help guides and even WebMD, but nothing seems to really clarify a course of action or treatment. It has simply become more unbearable with each passing day and I can no longer manage it."

"Why didn't you come in sooner", he asked, somewhat perplexed maybe even a little annoyed.

"I guess I was too adamant that I could fix it. I could resolve this problem on my own. I guess in the end, I was ashamed, maybe even embarrassed that I couldn't solve this. With each passing moment, the longer I waited the harder it became to make that appointment, afraid of the diagnosis, I guess. After all, I have always been healthy and I pride myself in the fact that I am never sick."

"Ok, let's have it. What's the issue?"

As I slowly revealed the pain I had been suffering, a relief, almost joyous release came over me. Perhaps a sense of new hope that a remedy would be quickly found and the pain would be gone soon overwhelmed my senses.

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:28-30 The Message Bible

When you are tired, worn out, burned out. Rest in Him.

To rest in Him requires initiative on your part. You must act!

To rest in Him requires vulnerability in relation to any secret wounds. When the secret is out, the power is gone.

To rest in Him requires silence.

To rest in Him requires release.

* a release of you own judgmental attitude.

* a release from your belief that you are indispensable in this world

* a release that you will be able to solve things by yourself without others "skin in the game"

* a release that happens when we say, "I trust in You to do the things that I cannot do for


The doctor is in, we just need to initiate the appointment. Much like our earthly doctors, the Great Physician will not come to our house, bang on the door and force his way in. We have to act!

Today, maybe you are hurting. A secret wound is deep and painful, but your pride and arrogance are keeping you from the one that can heal it. Maybe the fears of being found out are so overwhelming that you are paralyzed to act. I encourage you to fight past those fears, those perceived stigmas and press into what God has for you.

It's without judgment or any sense of guilt and shame that I can boldly proclaim, each of us are messed up and in need of the healing only God can bring. We each have dealt with sin and shame. We each have fallen and messed up. We each are deeply dependent on grace. We each have run and attempted to hide our sin in shame. We each are where we are on this journey towards health and wholeness, but we each are told to seek God and He will be found.

Today maybe your marriage is on the rocks - well guess what, we've all been there. If you are married, you know marriage can be difficult and hard. It is only by God's grace and mercy that any marriage lasts.

Today maybe your kids are running amok and you are struggling to cope - well, again, we've all been there. God is there right now! Each of His children (all of us) have run amok, we are all fallen. Much like a proud father, who watches his young child attempt to take his first steps, God is watching our steps cheering as each step is taken. Then the stumble and fall. No father would scream, "this kid, look at this kid. He is such a looser, look he's 13 months old and he can't even take a step without falling. This kid is clearly not mine, what an idiot." No, a father immediately jumps into action to help his child up and encourage him along the way, possibly even holding his hand as his takes the next set of steps. God is there cheering you along the path at each and every step.

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